
Vivek Wadhwa Makes Great Case Against Vivek Wadhwa on WNYC

Jay Hathaway · 02/20/15 04:25PM

Two weeks ago, TL;DR, the internet-centered companion show to WYNC and NPR's On the Media, ran an episode criticizing Vivek Wadhwa, an author, entrepreneur and academic who writes about women in tech, for overshadowing the voices of actual women. WYNC took the episode down early last week because it didn't include comment from Wadhwa himself, and announced TL;DR would do a follow-up piece now that the show had become part of its own story.

Cord Jefferson · 06/27/13 03:56PM

NPR call-in program Talk of the Nation, which began broadcasting in 1991, aired its last episode today. But all is not lost: Science Friday will continue on as its own show.

David Rakoff, Essayist and Performer, Dead at 47

Max Read · 08/10/12 09:48AM

Writer, performer, and frequent NPR contributor David Rakoff has died following a three-year battle with cancer. Rakoff was born in Montreal, and lived, variously, in Toronto, London and Japan before settling in New York City, which he called "the great love of my life" and was the subject of much of his writing. Rakoff worked as an actor — usually playing, he later wrote, "Jewy McHebrew" or "Fudgy McPacker" — and in publishing before quitting to become a full-time writer, penning the interview column "The Way We Live Now" for The New York Times Magazine for several years in addition to his work as a freelance journalist and contributor of personal essays to This American Life.

Wild Things: Drawings, Quotes and Memories from Maurice Sendak

Max Read · 05/08/12 10:30AM

Maurice Sendak, the author and illustrator behind classics like Where the Wild Things Are and In the Night Kitchen, died today at age 83, leaving behind an incomparable and enormous body of work. Since the news of his death, bits and pieces of his life — quotes, drawings, videos, illustrated envelopes — have been circulating around the internet; we've collected them here in one place.

How to Get Fired From the Washington Post

Hamilton Nolan · 11/22/11 03:17PM

In your tricky Tuesday media column: how to get fired at the Washington Post, NPR listeners are just so ugh, Lane Brown to New York mag, Michelangelo Signorile to HuffPo, and a shocking report about women in media.

Why Public Radio Host Warren Olney's Apology Wasn't Enough

Seth Abramovitch · 11/15/11 02:22AM

On Friday, Gawker broke the story of a horrifically ill-conceived installment of Warren Olney's current affairs show on public radio, To The Point. Using the Jerry Sandusky child rape scandal as its jumping-off point, the show somehow drew a dotted line to the topic of gays and lesbians' suitability as foster and adoptive parents. The thinking behind it (and there wasn't much) was that Sandusky was ostensibly a heterosexually married man who had access to foster and adoptive children he could prey on. "With 500,000 children desperate for loving homes," Olney's intro went, "we'll look at efforts to widen the pool of available parents. Should gays and lesbians qualify?" I don't know, Warren. Should they?

Jared Kushner Just Launching Any Old Paper Now

Hamilton Nolan · 11/02/11 01:28PM

In your wispy Wednesday media column: Jared Kushner's latest scheme, Michele Norris's replacement, the gradual death of print continues, Harper's Bazaar revamps, and Chris Matthews make a funny.

Tumblr Admits Its Spam Problem

Ryan Tate · 10/31/11 06:08PM

Tumblr doesn't like to talk about all the porn and spam coursing through its servers. But when NPR's Fresh Air started commenting on the problem, the microblogging site came clean. Because who is dumb enough to cross Terry Gross?

Michele Norris Leaves NPR for Husband's Dumb Job Thing

Hamilton Nolan · 10/24/11 01:05PM

In your magic Monday media column: Michele Norris takes a hiatus at NPR, fuckery at Gannett, The Daily Beast TV is here, newspapers roll out a false slogan, and Charlie Rose on morning television would be... good.

NPR Opera Host Fired for Helping Occupy Wall Street

Adrian Chen · 10/20/11 11:39AM

Want to know how to get the world to care about the firing of the host of an Opera show? Fire her because of her participation in a popular social movement! Lisa Simeone, the host of NPR's World of Opera was fired for helping out Occupy Wall Street.

More Staffers Laid Off at The Village Voice

Hamilton Nolan · 10/19/11 02:46PM

In your drizzly Wednesday media column: a prime time shakeup at MSNBC, key staffers laid off at the Village Voice, Reuters' editor writes a crappy memo, The Daily does something right, and Gary Knell's upcoming ass kissing campaign.

Would Sean Hannity Ever Leave Fox Voluntarily?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/10/11 01:51PM

In your sparkling Monday media column: Sean Hannity mulls the end, NPR's chief hints at post-government funding, Bill Keller's split personality, magazine ad revenue report, and Conde Nast goes Hollywood.