Gold Star Motel: Stumped

Each week, a handful of reader comments are selected for inclusion and veneration in the Gold Star Motel. Standards of excellence are arbitrary, fluid, and contradictory. The reward is strictly honorary (at best). This week:
Re:Let Jason Calacanis Make YOU A Famous Blogger
• Jason Calcanis:
" would just like to add that impossible is nothing, and that you should never let people hold you back. If someone tries to tell you that you can't be an A-list blogger cross them out of your life—never speak to them again.
It will also help if you keep yourself physically fit—a strong body equals a strong blog post.
best regards,
(currently bench pressing 80 pounds with a 16MPG ping pong serve that you will not be able to return)"
Re: Gossip Roundup: Rachael Ray's Mmm Face
• Larry Forney:
"Don't front, ho. Rachael Ray is the age-appropriate Delta Burke I've been waiting for since I was 11."
Re:Gawker Bowling: The Ladies Of Maxim
• fasthugger:
"I'd let Stein put his fingers in my holes (if I were a bowling ball, naturally)."
Re:Posh Spice Book Club to Be Hot Mess (Of The D'Urbervilles)
• Honoria Glossop:
"I hope they read Day of the Locust."
Re: Angelina Jolie And People: Who Adopted Whom?
• mediahohoho:
"A couple of observations: People has been looking for a Princess Di replacement since her forehead smacked the center divide in 97. Those bones are only good for one or two covers (which people still buy, natch) per year.
People covers are good for a +/- $1.5 million swing every week. Clearly, AnJo sells magazines.
Once again, the human interest difference in People pays dividends and is the reason US and all the other P wannabees will never come close. This is a magazine that rakes in close to $2 billion in revenue per year. Think about that.
And lest you think I'm cheerleading for this rag, just know that, though I do know a lot about that part of the business, I abhor it. I think the celeb addiction is like a particularly malicious strain of crack. And I also think that young, single women's obsession with this mental junk food is 75% of the reason you'll lose the right to a safe, legal abortion by the time this decade is over (fewer than 40% of eligible single women voters did so in the last presidential election).
Enjoy your reading."
Re:Larry King Loves Some Parts Of Heather Mills
• Whiteboyfunfark:
"I so wanted to add a snappy comment here, but I must admit I'm stumped ..."