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  • Sewell Chan to start new Times blog about brutal rapes, pandas. Also, the Times is moving to a new building. [NYO]
  • Sam Zell's winning bid for Tribune has flummoxed the other contestants. But back in Chicago, no one even cares. Finally, if things go badly in the newspaper industry—and who could imagine that happening?—Zell is up a creek. [NYT]
  • Soledad and Miles O'Brien out at CNN's "American Morning." [WaPo]
  • MTV prepping television version of Shock magazine. [NYO]
  • Will Bono can Forbes president Jim Berrien? [NYP]
  • We are two weeks away from the Portfolio launch. Can you feel the excitement? Can you? [NYO]
  • Cessation in hostilities between Rupert Murdoch and John Malone nearly complete. [WSJ]
  • Times ombudsman Byron Calame wins Penn State's "Don't Rock The Boat" award for media criticism. Somewhere in D.C. Jack Shafer kicks puppy. [Penn State]
  • Former News hostages still suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. [NYO]