We enjoyed Hamilton Nolan's bitter screed against D.C. reporters and their annual skit-performing love-ins with Dick Cheney and Co.—but thought it could use a local rewrite. Lesse... How about: "Every year night, usually in the Meatpacking District, the same reporters charged with covering our most important television celebrities and media conglomerate-owning millionaires come together to fawn over those same celebu-millionaires and perform acts of slavish self-congratulation that make light of our most serious televisual and business-empire crises. For journalists, whose reputation now hovers around that of used car salesmen who moonlight as back-alley hookers, these kinds of events are the best PR of the week. This is totally normal source-development work; this is a also semi-private spectacle that, fairly or not, comes to exemplify the public perception of a duplicitous, do-nothing media in the nation's world's capital." There! That feels a little better.

Joke is on the press at annual DC dinners [PR Week]