
Homeland Security Analyst Under Investigation For Conspiring to Commit Workplace Violence

Brendan O'Connor · 06/22/16 07:11AM

Earlier this month, Jonathan Wienke, an analyst in the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis, was arrested after carrying a gun, a knife, an infrared camera, pepper spray, and handcuffs into the agency’s headquarters. Now, court filings show, federal prosecutors are investigating whether Wienke was planning an attack on senior DHS officials.

A Parched Millionaire Broke Into Obama's Favorite Bistro to Steal Vodka

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/29/15 03:10PM

What’s a thirsty millionaire to do when he’s fiending for a Campari and there’s nary a bar in sight? Ignoring the fact that this happened in Georgetown, a college town literally lined with bars, the answer for one PR exec was apparently clear: break into a fancy restaurant and steal $100 worth of shitty booze.

The Private Email Spook Behind Hillary's Secret Spy Network

Sam Biddle · 03/31/15 03:30PM

Over the last week we've been writing about a series of deeply suspicious emails sent by former journalist and Clinton family adviser-fixer-creep Sidney Blumenthal. Blumenthal is well-known in political and media circles—but despite his apparent power, he's unknown outside of D.C. and New York. Let's get to know Hillary's private email spook, and his shadowy under-the-table intelligence operations.

Congress Can't Even Kill Legal Weed Right

Gabrielle Bluestone · 02/10/15 12:45PM

The entire fate of Washington, DC's legalized marijuana program apparently rests on the statutory definition of one word: "enactment."