Each week, a handful of reader comments are selected for inclusion and veneration in the Gold Star Motel. Standards of excellence are arbitrary, fluid, and contradictory. The reward is strictly honorary (at best). This week:

Re: The Sisterhood of the Traveling Safety School

  • Boobs Radley:
    "Why, Esther. Williamstown has the most adorable little main street, with a French bakery and an organic coffee shop and a Thai place with the most amazing panang curry THAT YOU'LL NEVER TASTE. Suck on it, you GPA inflating tramp."

Re: J. Rhys Meyers, Clearly Gay

  • Aatom:
    "He's gay because I saw The Secret and I've been focusing real hard on one of my goals."

Re: The Michael Hastings Memoir: Book Proposals Kill

  • JupiterPluvius:
    "And the perfect first line for this book is: What can you say about a twenty-eight-year-old girl who died IN BAGHDAD?"

Re: Bungalow 8's Waning Magic:

  • cajun boy in the city:
    "it's at times like these that amy sacco should do what i do during troubled times which is to look deeply into the soul and ask, "what would ian bernardo do?"

Re: Jared Kushner And Ivanka Trump: Just Friends:

  • In Exile:
    "Ugh, trying to find a cutesy amalgam of their names is like speaking shitty fake Yiddish: "Ach, that one, is he trumping in her kushner yet?"

Re: 02138 Defines Marital Bliss

  • Double Banger:
    "Nothing warms my heart like lawyers in love. I hear that Kate & Marc's pre-nup was drafted on a Lamplighter Ivory 25% cotton parchment paper and signed with a Montblanc Meisterst ck 149 filled with Waterman Florida Blue."

Re: 'Lenny Kravitz' Invites You To Brooklyn Luxury

  • backslider:
    "I am so excited for the looming real estate crash, when I buy one of these shitty apartments for $150 grand. Then I'll spend the rest of my days watching Mexicans play soccer in the dust below."