· Enjoy this video of Larry breaking the good news: "I hate to be the one to tell you this, but: I told you so!" If you look closely, you can see money being exchanged between the giddy Bahamian law enforcement officials in the background.
· Prince Zsa Zsa the Fourth's official concession statement is the model of good sportsmanship: "We never intended to take Dannielynn from anyone, we were just here in case Prince Von Anhalt was the father. We wish Larry luck in raising Dannielynn and we wish him the best." [TMZ]

· The lingering custody matter will be addressed at a Friday hearing, but Stern has promised to cooperate, expressing the need for a "gradual transition" for the baby, something methadone-favoring weaning-aficionado Anna Nicole surely would have approved of. [CNN.com]
· A tenacious Virgie Arthur looks forward to "working with Larry raising my granddaughter," though certain parties are hoping their contact is limited to annual birthday cards out of which tumble crisp, ten-dollar bills, explained away to Dannielynn as having arrived "via special delivery from your dead grandma's ghost!" [People]
· Not surprisingly, Birkhead pledges his first stop will be to a toy store, where he will indulge himself his daughter in the finest primary-colored mobiles and Backyardigans his overextended credit limit can buy. [Court TV]