Media Bubble: Nappy Headed Nos

- Can Don Imus maintain his moneymaking capabilities? 'Cause otherwise he's just some loudmouth hick in a hat. [NYT]
- More schmucks who bought Times stock with full understanding of stock's structure complaining about stock. [NYO]
- Block That Metaphor: "In this polite but sometimes strained community, Mr. Imus is the cranky, aging neighbor who can be relied upon to shovel snow off the sidewalk but occasionally blurts out words so offensive and insensitive that it makes everyone regret inviting him to the block party." [NYT]
- Former Seventeen editor Atoosa Rubenstein in feud with senile Forbes columnist James Brady. We are so conflicted on this one. [NYP]
- Joanne Lipman is telling everybody that she's not telling anyone anything about Portfolio. [Toronto Star]
- Magazine ad pages: slow growth. [AdAge]