'Radar' Handicaps Socialite Rank Suspects

Who's behind the barely literate yet endlessly compelling socialite PR organ cum bitchy LiveJournal that is Socialite Rank? It's become this weird question that everyone keeps asking and no one ever answers. But in anticipation of SR themed expos s in Vanity Fair and New York, not to mention SR's big "announcement" next week, Radar's Sarah Horne has created a poll where you can vote for your favorite suspect. Genius! Crazy genius, in fact, because after dispatching the usual suspects (Lauren Davis, Derek Blasberg, Peter Davis, etc), Radar fingers (ew!) Tina Brown and Harry Evans, among other extreme wild cards. We're voting for Russian fashion writers Olga and Valentine Rei, mostly because it makes total sense to assume that SR isn't written by native English speakers ("It's all leading up to the few crowing events during the next few weeks," reads a recent post). But then there's this analysis of why the poison-pen blogger isn't gossip boy made good Hud Morgan: "His grasp on the English language is somewhat more evolved than whoever pens SR." Actually, maybe SR is Radar's Sarah Horne!