Henry Luce Awards At Time Inc.

Hearst isn't the only magazine company doing the self-congratulation thing these days. Yesterday was Henry Luce Awards day at Time Inc., and Time Inc. honcho John Huey judged the winners in 11 categories along with some other current and former top editors. So who's in favor with the top brass?
Well, People, for one. The magazine won the "Outstanding Story" award for "Coming Home: A Love Story," which was, according to the internal email by John Huey to the staff, "a harrowing and ultimately uplifting account of a disfigured Iraq veteran and his hometown girl friend who remained committed to him under almost unimaginable circumstances." Mmm, Lifetime original movie time!
People also won a Deadline award for "Band of Brothers," the story of the men trapped in a coal mine in Sago, West Virginia. (The magazine's Angelina Jolie reporting did not pick up any awards.)
The Wal-Mart-only magazine All You was a finalist in the Personal Service category for "Look and Feel Your Best": "This four-part challenge to "Make 2006 Your Get Healthy Year," included simple weight-loss and fitness steps supported by encouragement and advice from women readers." Wow, what a novel idea! One that has been done monthly by every women's magazine ever in existence!
Time won cover of the year for a July cover: "'The End of Cowboy Diplomacy' cover makes its point clearly without ever identifying that little fella under the 100-gallon hat." Oh tee hee hee!
The dearly departed Life was a finalist in this category for its Heidi Klum cover, but even the judges don't sound so convinced of its newsworthiness: "The cover featured the face of the famous German super-model known as 'the body,' Heidi Klum. And in black and white, to boot. She was making news at the time—Project Runway was hot, and she was pregnant for the second time in 12 months." Heidi Klum is constantly pregnant! Project Runway is always hot! No wonder this thing folded.
Also, Entertainment Weekly won magazine of the year.