In the first edition of the Dining section since 4/20, stoners will be happy to find that the section is devoted to greenage. Is that weed or cress on the cover? Only one man knows, and that man is the future King of England. Also known as your highness. Kim Severson brings us the facts on the King of the Hippies, which is a lot like being the King of the Gypsies except realer. First of all, dude's into "hedge laying." Second of all, he lives in a place called Highgrove. Third of all, he makes biscuits and other munchies under the label Duchy Originals. But perhaps most convincingly: For a royal, every day's Friday, and he ain't got no job and he ain't got shit to do. He's gotta get high.—Josh

Farmer, Cookie Maker, Ecologist, and Yes, The Future King [NYT]