Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Katie Holmes, Suri, And A Hovering Handler Enjoy A Morning At The Flower Market

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and tell everyone about the time you ran your fingers along an apologetically drunk Kiefer Sutherland's abs of steel.
In today's episode: Katie Holmes; Paris and Nicky Hilton, Rob and Chad Lowe, Larry King, Tommy Lasorda, Jason Bateman and Jeffrey Tambor; Kiefer Sutherland; Chris Martin; Sarah Chalke; Mr. T; Eric Dane; Virginia Madsen; Chris Richardson and Phil Stacey; Nicole Richie; Bobby Brown; Cybill Shepherd and Lisa Loeb; Rip Taylor; Gilbert Gottfried; Billy Drago; Mitchell Musso, Emily Osment, Miley Cyrus, Adrienne Bailon, Kiely Williams and Sabrina Bryan.
· At freaking 6:30 a.m. today (Tuesday, 4/24) saw the Bride of Xenu herself, Katie Holmes, with the baby and a rather un-threatening-looking handler, at the L.A. Flower Market. Buying flowers. Rather pathetically, recognized the baby first, because she is the spitting image of Tom Cruise. I thought it was a little weird that there was no real bodyguard because that place is crawling with crackheads peeing in the street that early in the ayem, but there you go - she's not afraid of nuthin! One of the market workers told me she sees them there all the time and that she thinks Katie likes to 'get away.' Hmm.
· 4/24 Dodgers vs. SF Giants game:
* Paris & Nicky Hilton with 2 unknown guys. Paris was in a baseball tee, hat & pigtails. Nicky was in a black jacket. Paris got booed by the entire Dodger Stadium when the cameras showed her on the jumbo screen. That's hot!
* Rob & Chad Lowe. They were pretty much into the game & talked to each other the whole time; left at the bottom of the 8th, just like us. Rob shook Paris' hand on the way out.
* Larry King w/ wife & kid [and Hispanic bodyguard]. He was wearing a Chicago White Sox jacket?!?! Was he lost?
* Tommy Lasorda, sitting alone w/ a 3 seat buffer around him.
· saw jason bateman and jeffrey tambor at the Dodgers vs. San Francisco Giants game wednesday 4/25. we had fantastic seats behind home plate, second tier. bateman and tambor enjoyed the game and seemed deep in discussion thru most of the later innings. nice guys, i looked on from time to time as they casually ignored the overly enthusiastic play by plays the guys behind them waged. they left at the beginning of the 9th, - a good call as the dodgers couldn't quite pull back from barry bond's amazing first up to bat homer. go dodgers!
· Dresden Room, Thursday April 26: Kiefer Bukowski Sutherland walked in with a posse and caroused for a few hours. Elayne (of Marty and Elayne) introduced me to him, and he apologized to me for being drunk, which was very polite and unnecessary. Then she asked him about his new ab machine and he said he liked it, and invited her to touch his abs through his nice black shirt. I watched this happen and then I could not help but say, "I want to touch Kiefer's abs," and...the machine appears to be working.
Mr. Sutherland clearly loves Marty and Elayne, who are the absolute tits, so he's tits with me. And abs.
· 4/20 - chris martin coming through backdoor at arclight presumably for hot fuzz screening
- 4/20 - scrubs' dr. elliot reid (aka - sarah chalke) double-dating at The Bowery
· I was doing some late morning grocery shopping on Sunday at the Sherman Oaks Ralphs (Ventura and Hazeltine,) and had a chance encounter with one of my favorite childhood heroes. While pushing my cart in the direction of the booze aisle (nothing cures a Saturday night hangover better!), my path was blocked by a stocky man in a camouflage hat. He was sniffing daiquiri candles. I piped up with a polite, sweet "Excuse me, please" and he turned quickly and said "Oh, I'm so sorry. Very sorry." And as he moved his cart, I saw that it was the one and only B.A. Barracus - Mr. T!!! I'm not sure if he was really sorry about being in my way or about being caught smelling daiquiri candles. Either way, he seemed like a nice guy who just happens to enjoy a pleasant fruity scent.
I was sad that I didn't have my "Mr. T In Your Pocket" keychain on hand to compare to the real thing.
· Tues 4/24 circa 6pm: Saw none other than Grey's Anatomy hunk Eric Dane at arguably the gayest gym in the land, Crunch on Sunset. We think he was working out with another actor, but the clucking hens of Crunch couldn't decipher who it was. The good doctor and his friend seemed to be doing their hetero best to avoid mingling with the WeHo gym bunnies. And they were working out in jeans. Seriously. Who does that? But dude is stacked. And was looking sorta sinister. But in a sexy way.
· I saw Virginia Madsen at the California Pizza Kitchen in Thousand Oaks. She was with her son and another woman. She was much smaller than I imagined her (5'3" or so) her skin looked sun damaged and and her ensemble was a little frumpy-ish. She could have been any soccer mom (assuming you average soccer mom didn't show her magnificent rack in "Hotspot" with Don Johnson!)
· Saw American Idol hopefuls Chris Richardson and Phil Stacey (along with some girl) entering the Best Buy in WeHo (Santa Monica & La Brea) last Saturday (4/21). I would have said something to them if I thought either had a chance in hell of winning. But still, maybe I should have at least told Chris that it's hard enough tolerating ONE Justin Timberlake.
· Saw Nicole Richie with a Paris-type replacement friend about 5 minutes ago (4-24) at the Coffee Bean on SM Blvd., in the middle of WeHo. A herd of stalkarazzi was camped outside, awaiting her departure. She looked cute, but thin.
· (4/23) After leaving Bird's eatery on Franklin Blvd. in Los Feliz I had one of my more guilty pleasure celeb sightings: Bobby Brown jaywalking (his least punishable offense in over a decade) arm in arm with an attractive, young woman. He had on a black hat and sunglasses and was appropriately "grimacey" and "hardcore" as he led the woman in between cars waiting at the traffic light.
· Seated in the back I'm-with-the-Band party of eight table at Largo during the Colin Hay ("Men at Work") showcase was Cybill Shepherd and Lisa Loeb. Ms. Loeb was very chatty and was caught checking her Blackberry/texting by one of the floor managers who firmly asked her to put it away. Ms. Shepard was really personable and nice, and left early.
· I was at a commercial audition at the Casting Studios on LaBrea today when I see, out of the corner of my eye, a flurry of confetti. It was RIP TAYLOR, leaving the same audition session that I was there for! There are moments every actor remembers in his career.....the first union card, first time on national television, etc., but for this queen, being in the same audition category as Rip Taylor is a new height reached. When I saw him, I yelled, "Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Rip Taylor!" and NO ONE CLAPPED. Out of probably sixty people in the waiting room, no one could give Mister Dollar Ninety-Eight his props. Fucking Philistines.
· Saw Gilbert Gottfried at Le Pain Quotidien in the valley last weekend. He sat at the big communal table and seemed to be working while he ate. He looked very intense. Despite being packed, everybody gave him lots of space
· Today (4/26) I had one of my favorite celeb sightings ever in Billy Drago, Frank Nitti from "The Untouchables" and the star of more crazy B-movies (and "Charmed" episodes) than any Paris Hilton or Leo DiCaprio could ever claim. Sighting was at the West Hollywood Whole Foods where Drago was picking up a basket full of organic cereal. He was friendly to the checker, dressed casually with shaggy silver hair and was on his way into the post office across the street as I drove away. IMDB tells us that he has already made three movies this year (including one playing a character named "The Lady" - hm...) in an obvious attempt to knock Ernie Hudson off the straight-to-video throne. Let's see anyone else from the cast of "Mirror, Mirror III: The Voyeur" top that!
· Saturday 4/21: It was a great day for finding Disney Channel stars...don't know if they're important enough, but whatever.
I was flying out of LAX on Delta to go to a wedding at Disney World. I was getting ready to buy some magazines at the newsstand when I noticed that someone was wearing reindeer or dog print PJ pants (the Fug Girls would be going ballistic). Those pants were being worn by Mitchell Musso (of Hannah Montana)...later on Emily Osment (Haley Joel's sis) sat next to my BF and started using her laptop and talking to Mitchell. They went surprisingly unnoticed despite the number of kids in the terminal. Also, when boarding the plane, I saw the Cheetah Girls (Adrienne Bailon, Kiely Williams, and Sabrina Bryan) in their first class seats. Kiely has AMAZING skin.
Other friends flying out of LAX on United sat with Miley Cyrus (AKA Hannah Montana/Billy Ray spawn) on the same day.