Tasked with writing about his Night Out With Limp Bizkit frontman and director Fred Durst, Mickey Rapkin had to overcome a host of challenges. How to be subtle and Times-y about Durst's decision to pick up a Russian maybe-hooker and bring her along on their outing, for instance? "Ms. Valevich let out a hearty laugh. She proposed a toast: 'To never seeing each other again.' It was now Mr. Durst's turn to laugh." Nailed that one! But what of the difficulty of alluding somewhat obliquely to the fact that Durst is perhaps best known for his deeeesgusting sex tape? Simple: Be a blog! "'I learned not to kiss and tell,' [Durst] said. (He has told plenty; see Google.)" Let's try that again: "'I learned not to kiss and tell,' [Durst] said. (He has told plenty; see Google.)" Ah, that's more like it.

Rock On, Mr. Director [NYT]