According to a reader, "there were no fewer that nine departures from Forbes in the last week or so." We're still doing the headcount to verify—but why so much turnover? And how can the magazine deal with a smaller staff? Meanwhile, Forbes' Louis Hau covers the events yesterday at the Newspaper Association of America convention, and quotes Lincoln Millstein, Heart's senior vice president of digital media.

"You don't need professional journalists to put out a travel section. You don't need professional journalists to put out a food section, in my opinion. I had a hundred journalists reporting to me. I don't believe that model works, I don't believe it needs to work. I believe the user is actually better served by having user-generated, high-quality content in all those 'back of the book' sections."

Problem solved! Hop to it, Forbes readers, your magazine needs you!

If They Write It, Will They Come? [Forbes]