• Google will only buy your company if it hosts "user-generated" content—so newspapers are out, as Google could only buy their "tool-generated content" (we made that phrase up! Oh har!) and then only "own" it. Funny company plan, to only buy amateurism and ephemera. [Reuters]
  • Umm, apparently there is "controversy" over former HBO chief Chris Albrecht's firing? Agent and liberal Ari Emanuel jumps to his defense: "Chris Albrecht is my friend." His only good point—if Sheila Nevins, HBO doc queen, is a representative example, the company doesn't let every woman get treated like garbage. [Variety]
  • Speaking of HuffPo (QUERY! Is HuffPo the International House of Have Axe To Grind?), Jonathan Alter lays into Radar about some minutia involving him paying for Mike Gravel's entourage's lunch or something. [HuffPo]