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Concerned that the recent betrayal of a camera-phone-wielding "friend" who exploited a private moment of bathroom stall bonding for her own financial gain might have fragile starlet Lindsay Lohan, like, totally bummed out and junk?, Us Weekly checks in with momager and Enabling Celebrity Parent Of the Year frontrunner Dina Lohan to see how her daughter is handling this latest blow to her post-rehab image:

How is Lindsay holding up with the tape circulating? "We're not reading anything about it. You can't let it bother you. We work so hard, then some girl just tried to make money off her [for that tape]. Lindsay doesn't even know who her friends are."

Do you think Lindsay is at the clubs too much? "This [premieres and parties] is the fun part of the business. She'll be 21 in a few months. Regardless, of course, as a parents, you set boundaries and scold them. But there are these dark stories - she is so misunderstood. All she wants to do is act and have a somewhat normal life. When you're 20, it's normal to want to go to The Ivy, to go to the hot stores. She can't live in a bubble."

Do you ever worry that she's pushing herself too hard?
"When she doesn't work, she's so bored. I've told her, 'Please slow down. Stop!' She's growing up and learning to do that. ... I'm her mother first: Everything could go away, and I couldn't care less."

If Dina seems curiously unafraid that her meal-ticket's lucrative career "could go away," it's because the savvy businesswoman's contract with Entertainment Tonight includes a provision that she'll be giving hosting duties for a series of specials on the downside of fame, tentatively titled Lindsay Lohan: What Went Wrong?, in the event that her daughter's problems finally render her uninsurable by risk-averse movie studios.