The Day Tina First Saw The Statue Of Liberty

Each week, we pick out some comments that especially amused us and award them a meaningless prize. Maybe they'll inspire you to be smarter, funnier, and an all-around better person. Maybe not!
- Re: Times Square Still Extremely Unsafe For Children
titanica : "She got served." - Re: Times Memorabilia Auction Goes Nuts
"I wonder what Michiko's prosthetic limn sold for?" - Re: Hard Up Freelancer Virally Markets Himself
cdmunch: "Years ago this dude used to work at Vanity Fair and some reporter, I think from New York or maybe Glamour magazine, was writing a story on editors' sexual conquests or some such and they asked him for the number he bedded. Another editor gave a higher number so when the factchecker called, Peter upped his number. The other editor did the same. This went back and forth for a while until they were both in the double digits." - A double winner re: Our Top Ten Sopranos Series Finale Predictions
mladen: "Before I offer my prediction, just wanted to say that yesterday's Big Story was somehow overlooked here. Cindy offered her Mother's Day column - you know, the one Dorothy Parker (or was it Edna St V Millay?) made fun of when it first ran - and said that this year it was appearing by special request of....Parker Posey.
There are some events which, by their very enormity, defy comprehension or comment.
The Johnstown Flood. The Hindenburg. The day Tina first saw the Statue of Liberty. The weekend "Ernest Goes To Jail" opened at #1 at the box office.
And now this.
But back to the prediction. Tony throws a turkey out the window of a high-rise to see if it can fly. Glen Turkey, a machinist from Toms River, that is." - And!
- plausible_banditti: "Wasn't the last scene filmed in some ice cream parlor in Bloomfield? Maybe Tony goes legit, buys the shop, and spends the rest of his twenty-seven years on the planet developing flavors to honor his whacked comerades. Chrissy's Cherry Cocaine Bliss?"