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PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so put down that hamburger and/or baby in desperate need of changing, and send them in! Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and tell everyone about the time you spotted Paris Hilton training for her upcoming incarceration by forcing herself to spend 15 minutes in a book store.

In today's episode: Sean Penn; James Woods, Ashley Madison and Andy Dick; Paris and Nikki Hilton; Christian Slater; Jon Lovitz; Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr.; Tracy Morgan and Jasmine Guy; Dominic Monaghan; Minnie Driver; Ryan Reynolds; Adam Brody and Sean Hayes; David Boreanaz and Neil Flynn.

· Tues 5/15 around 11:30 am: Sean Penn outside the Four Seasons smoking a cigarette. Cab arrived and he got inside, then it drove away. The end.

· Last Thursday, after being drowned out by the noisy ramblings of underage or at least novice drunks at the Snake Pit on Melrose, in walked three guys, one being Andy Dick. Our joke of the night? One of my friends did not know who Andy Dick was. So we all sat — baffled. What was he in again? I know he's fathered a bunch of kids. I know he's done a lot of wonderfully loonified Hollywood hijinx, but what has he been in? Anyway. Unfortch for us, he was very well behaved.

Then yesterday, I was wandering near the L'Ermitage on Burton Way when I was two REALLY cute dogs. I closer view, I noticed one owner was James Woods and the other owner, his girl toy (Ashley Madison) who looks barely out of high school. Odd folks. Not really nasty, but not friendly, even when I cooed over their adorable dogs. What are they getting out of each other?? Not quite sure.

· Spotted Paris Hilton at the Grove Barnes & Noble last night (5-14). My friend and I were walking out just as she walked in. Paris was on her cell and nearly tripped right in front of us. She wore a white top with blue anchor prints as well as an anchor pendant. Just to be obnoxious, my friend and I went back upstairs and spotted the "Simple Life" star sitting on the ground, browsing through Photography and Art books. Of course, we picked up a tabloid with Paris on the cover and I took a photo of my friend "reading" about Paris, while she's in the background. Her sister Nikki was there as well. They stayed not more than 15 minutes because everyone noticed she was there. They ran out of the bookstore, just in time for my friend to yell out "PAAAAAAARIS!" outside Barnes & Noble. That's hot. Nikki drove off with her sister in a black Range Rover.

· I recently saw Paris Hilton in the Mrs. Beasley's store on S. Beverly stocking up on their line of mini-cupcake poppers, - perhaps for her upcoming stint in prison. Ms. Hilton was polite and pleasant and a crowd of paparazzi were waiting for her on the sidewalk outside.

· Christian Slater looking cute in a baseball cap at Shutters in Santa Monica today. With publicist type and buddy, driving off in his black BMW SUV.
Jon Lovitz in FULL tennis regalia at the Beverly Hills Hotel today waiting for his car.

Saw Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr. eating sushi down in the Valley on Thursday night. SMG looks really hot these days with her brunette look and snuck out a couple of times during dinner for a cigarette break

· a little late but last saturday night (05/12) at the grove (even i felt lame being there), "30 Rock" albratross and alleged deejay-groper tracy morgan, looking unassuming... also saw "different world" veteran jasmine guy walking by the fountains. she looked really really old, but can't decide if it's just because i only see her in reruns. maybe i should look out for dwayne wayne using a walker...

· 5/16- Before the Mortified LA show started at KingKing, I was fortunate enough to be positioned at the bar next to Dominic Monaghan, while he chatted with a friend and ordered drinks (Stella). He was short (of course) and cuter in person. I'm a big fan of the hobbits, but I prefer Elijah Wood.

· Went to play drag queen bingo at Hamburger Mary's in West Hollywood last week. While in the parking lot, a British voice asked me, "Is this the right spot for Bingo?" Turned to see Minnie Driver, looking sleek and tall. Hair in kind of a weird pageboy cut. She was able to bypass the large line gathered outside and get a table right away. The drag queen hosting the event took great delight in making fun of PHANTOM OF THE OPERA but Minnie was a good sport about it all. She didn't win anything.

· Saw Van Wilder himself, Ryan Reynolds, at the Troubadour on Monday night (5/14) at the Ari Hest / Damnwells show. He was with two girls, and the blond in the hat appeared to be his girlfriend. She didn't look anything like his ex, Alanis Morissette. Ryan had a scruffy beard and looked bored. He is very tall.

· Wed, 5/16—Spotted Adam Brody trekking around in Runyon alone. Boy is very thin and sporting a scraggly "beard" better suited on a teenager. No dog, though—just giant shades to shield him from lesser mortals.

· Thurs, 5/17—Silver Spoon Diner in WeHo—Sean Hayes at a corner table on the patio with a male friend. Had the requisite baseball cap on...does he ever not wear one?

· Saturday 5/12 @ Mastro's- We saw David Boreanaz (Bones, Angel) with his wife and kid eating dinner. The wife was getting her gifts for mother's day from both of them, and it was really sweet. Our waitress said that he is also a manager there??? Don't know about that one, and couldn't find anything on IMDB. I could see part owner or something, but a manager? Geesh, what does Fox pay their actors nowadays? Anyhoo, dinner was amazing and I was glad to have at least one sighting since we had our moms with us and they were pretty excited to see a celeb.

· Even better than a Ribisi or Sutherland sighting.... the hub and I saw Janitor from "Scrubs" (Neil Flynn) at Alcove in Los Feliz on Thursday 5/17