The Psycho Plea

Each week, we pick out some comments that especially amused us and award them a meaningless prize. Maybe they'll inspire you to be smarter, funnier, and an all-around better person. Maybe not!
- Re: The Man Who Taught Elizabeth Spiers To Tolerate The Gays
Elizabeth Spiers: "See how Nick's left hand mysteriously disappears behind my back in that photo? He's grabbing my ass." - Double winner re: Let's Make A Movie!
- Mark Duffy: "This Summer's Best Horror Movie. Period."
ellagood: "I think 28 Days Late is much scarier. " - Re: We Couldn't Free Peter Braunstein
Pope John Peeps II: "Your honour, I'd like to direct your attention to defense exhibit 531 "Peter Braunstein Could Have Saved Chocolate City" by noted leegle beegle THE BALK. You see, when the habeus corpus and the ipso facto conjoin, they occasionally make the quod ipsum dolorum. When this happens, as THE BALK points out, one must delerium tremens the ravioli bolognese and surmount the problems posed by tinki winki. In conclusion, your majesty, Braunstein is cray bitchcakes and thus should be freed on the grounds of THE PSYCHO PLEA." - Previously: The Day Tina First Saw The Statue Of Liberty