Tom Cruise Is The Spawn Of Satan

Glaring Omissions reproduces tips received from readers in the last week that weren't covered on Gawker, either by accident (it happens!) or by design (it happens more often).
"Ok, I always suspected this, but am only now finally able to confirm. I am a photo retoucher by profession, and I am constantly staring at people's imperfections. I noticed this once, and now can confirm:
Tom Cruise's entire top row of teeth is shifter to the left by one half tooth! If you look at the photo, [from the cover of a Good Housekeeping in 2006] and look at the line down the center of his face, the center line SPLITS HIS ONE FRONT TOOTH! Don't most people have TWO front teeth?
Love you, Gawker!"
- "Can you guys talk about just how utterly shitty M&A is? Probably the worst book I have ever read. I just wanted to get some thinly disguised dirt on the racquet club set. Instead Vachon manages to discuss retards, midgets, pirates, and cutting without an ounce of humor or irony. It sounds like it was written by a 13 year old. I guess that's what we all get for not finishing our novels."
- "What you really ought to check out is the connection between Anna Wintour and "Radar" magazine.
(Then there's RA-DAR and DAR-FUR, the latter being something of an obsession with Kristof, the New York Times columnist.) Wintour seems to have really terrorized a lot of prominent people, as her main project or agenda. We know whence and wherefor the term "editrix" was invented for her — but followup is indicated." - "Hi, How are you?
You represent Jennifer Aniston, right?!
Then... You it could pass me the email address of she??
Please answers me!!
Júlia" - "Hi How are you??
Well.... You know Jennifer Aniston, know?!
Well, I need talk to her, if you have the fone number for her please pass me!! If you have will have another information of her please pass me!! It's emergency!! - Bye-bye AND PLEASE ANSWER ME!!
Júlia" - "There are some loyal older readers on your site who are sick of the current parade of young stupid dope heads featured on the decaying pages of Gawker. Do you ever get a shot of Maria Bartiromo? She is one of Ask and watched by 400,000 plus each weekday on CNBC. Desired by many thousands of men, and that includes me, but either she stays home all the time, which I seriously doubt, or your cameras dont recognize her. She is lovely and I ask you to see if you can catch a shot of her somewhere, sometime and thanks."
- "I just (by accident) read this mindless page. To raise the merit of Ms. O'Donnell while denegrating the merit of Ms. Hasselbeck is asinine. Rosie has claimed that steel doesn't melt. Does she even know how steel is made, Dah? Also, she has claimed (by my inference) that Bush somehow masterminded the 9/11 attack. How utterly stupid! This secret could never be kept by all the parties necessary to keep the secret and would in no way escape the eager beaver reporting of the NEW YORK TIMES - that pillar of potentially treasonous activities. Their mindset, "What top secret, confidential, proprietary, etc. bit of governmet activity can we give to the enemy today?"
Very sincerely,
J. Dennis Omlor, Ph.D.
P.S. Throw Joy Behar into the same mindless tank as you and Rosie. This is spoken by a true conservative, Republican with no shame. You Dems are so ashamed of your liberal/socialist ways that now you want to be PROGRESSIVE." - "I would like to go to a good party in Manhattan with one friend, preferably starting early Friday evening. do you have any suggestions or where I might find out about a good party. this is just a one time event. I have no desire to keep going to parties, just a good one this week, early evening.
thanks in advance
David (I live uptown, CPW)" - "There is some really horribly boring show on this morning called the View. I mean, really really really boring. At least Elisabeth says that she has her and rosie have begun the most important 'hot topic' they have ever discussed..... The process of forgiveness. ICK. The show won't go on."
- "HI,
ADRIANA RIONDA" - "Hi the new friend!!!
I saw your announcement on a site in the Internet. There there were many good people. I do not know why I have written to you, probably something inside has prompted me to do it. I already during long time wanted to find to me directly people, but not from Russia. As in Russia very many bad people and are very difficult to find such person, which will serve me as a fine half. My best girlfriend has found to itself through Internet good people. Which has invited her in the country, and now they live together 2 months.
It also has pushed to find me to itself of the satellite . Though I also do not believe life in it, that it is possible to find love through. The Internet I should hope for it up to the last. Now it - is slightly about me: - My name - Julia.
I the simple Russian girl who search for a basis the person from abroad for serious attitudes in the future for creations of family. I live the Russian city Cheboksary. It - very beautiful city In which I live.
I am long brave to write to you and have written in hope which you will write also to me I hope for it, and I shall look forward to hearing from you. - P.S. If I though have slightly interested you, please write to me the answer On mine E-mail:
I shall hope, and I shall wait, that you nevertheless will answer it soon. Please try to send your message on email. As I was very bad to use the Internet. I shall send the image in the following letter. With hope your new familiar Rita." - Earlier: Glaring Omissions