Destroying our secret hope that Paris Hilton's surrender to authorities would take place following a high speed chase in which the desperate heiress piled her menagerie of neglected pets into her Maybach and made a bold sprint for the Mexican border, it seems that Hilton's last moments of freedom played out relatively uneventfully.

TMZ reports that Hilton's lawyer picked up the soon-to-be prisoner and her family at home following her last-chance-for-pre-incarceration-screentime (catch the The Simple Life Goes to Camp tonight on E!) appearance at last night's MTV Movie Awards (complete with monologue pummeling by host Sarah Silverman), then escorted the grieving clan on their Drive of Shame (video above) to the Men's Central Jail in downtown LA, where the official surrender took place in an attempt to avoid the paparazzi who had gathered at Hilton's new summer home in Lynwood. So there you have it: For the next 23 or so days, Hilton will be bravely serving her debt to society, emerging later this month a prison-hardened celebutard force the likes of which the world has never seen, ready to seek vengeance on all who have wronged her. Prepare yourselves.

Below, The Smoking Gun's before-and-after Hilton mugshots (one from her September arrest and one from last night's surrender), demonstrating that the L.A. County Sheriff's Department has learned how to photograph its high-profile detainees in a better-lit, more flattering fashion.

This image was lost some time after publication.