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Oddly enough, the rumor flying all around this week's Book Expo has almost nothing to do with books, which means that it's actually kind of interesting! It concerns longtime Farrar, Straus & Giroux editor Jonathan Galassi and William Morris agent Bill Clegg. The rumor goes that Jonathan is leaving his wife of several decades for Bill. This is nuts. Bill Clegg, of course, is best known for repping Nicole Krauss and Haven Kimmel and Cintra Wilson and for, a while back, having made an "abrupt disappearance" to spend some quality time on his "personal problems." Crazy! But is it, uh, true?

For starters, we hear that the rumor got started because Clegg and Galassi were spotted eating breakfast at a bakery two mornings in a row while "looking at road maps." Though co-poring over road maps does constitute lesbian sex in some states, we're not sure it indicates a gay affair in this instance. We also hear that the two men have "always been close." So maybe they're just still platonic buddy-pals!

But then there's this bizarre tidbit: a publishing person said that Clegg might have started the rumor himself. Why on earth? A source tells us that he might just be craving attention "because there's been no news about him since he got out of—" uh, wherever he was. Developing!