
The Happiest, Against-All-Odds Book Deal (For a Commenter!)

Sheila · 10/08/08 09:34AM

Hey, do you have a 1,000 page manuscript based on "Wagnerian opera, Lou Reedian post-punk, the philosophy of Schopenhauer, Jungian psychology, the life and death of cities, French aestheticism, the magic of memory, gay identity and—most importantly?—cats"? Hah, good luck selling that. But wait... what if a blind query to a big-deal William Morris agent resulted in the book getting sold? That's what happened to editor and commenter Matthew Gallaway, also known as the Gay Recluse.

David Carr's Competition

Hamilton Nolan · 09/10/08 02:56PM

Geez, not two months after potato-loving NYT reporter David Carr was declared the next big thing in druggie memoir publishing, the literati is already turning its attention to Bill Clegg, the next druggie memoir star. Which we note mostly so that we can use this picture that we took with our cameraphone last night: David Carr underneath a Barnes & Noble banner with his very own picture on it! Ain't that a kick? Click to enlarge.

Emily Gould · 12/05/07 02:00PM

Starbucks has just chosen a methy memoir as the next title in its book program, signing on to sell David Sheff's 'Beautiful Boy: A Father's Journey Through His Son's Meth Addiction' in more than 6,500 of its stores come February. Now, there are probably a ton of reasons why Starbucks makes its choices, but William Morris agent Bill Clegg has something to do with the process, a factoid that has some publishing types snickering. Well, come on, that's silly! You don't have to have been an addict to like addiction memoirs!

Choire · 07/27/07 02:02PM

FSG just bought a memoir—actually, a "self-portrait"!—by John Waters. That is great, we cannot wait to read it. The purchasing editor was Jonathan Galassi. The selling agent was Bill Clegg from William Morris Agency. You know what else is funny? A while back, we floated this crazy rumor that Clegg and Galassi had become lovers, after Clegg returned from falling off the face of the earth, and after Jonathan had, we presume, done something with his wife! After we ran that item, we had a couple reactions. One: an email saying we were "ruining people's lives"! Aren't we. And then we ran into a literary pal, who told us that, uh, that was no rumor, it was totally true. And that we should have seen the FSG offices after that item went up, you could have heard a pin drop. Mmm, awkward office moments! But what do we know? At the very least, their business relationship is working out nicely. [PW]

The Hot BEA Gossip: Agent-Publisher Man-Canoodling?

Emily Gould · 06/04/07 04:20PM

Oddly enough, the rumor flying all around this week's Book Expo has almost nothing to do with books, which means that it's actually kind of interesting! It concerns longtime Farrar, Straus & Giroux editor Jonathan Galassi and William Morris agent Bill Clegg. The rumor goes that Jonathan is leaving his wife of several decades for Bill. This is nuts. Bill Clegg, of course, is best known for repping Nicole Krauss and Haven Kimmel and Cintra Wilson and for, a while back, having made an "abrupt disappearance" to spend some quality time on his "personal problems." Crazy! But is it, uh, true?