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Last night, the three-day blogbang known as the Webby Awards climaxed with the gala celebration featuring Mr. David Bowie and Prince and hours and hours of awards (winners here if you're interested) and, more importantly, an afterparty at Hiro with DJ Jazzy Jeff. We sent Max Silvestri and our own Camera Obscura Nikola Tamindzic to capture the aprés Webby gyrations. Yo Steve Chen! Yo Chad Hurley! Lookin' good! Would Your 'Tubes like to buy a weblog?

After reading about the Webby Awards Party at the Box, I expected last night's Webby Gala After-Party at Hiro to be douchey with a chance of chode. Maybe there would be a fist-fight over CSS standards! Instead, it was filled with a suspiciously high amount of beautiful women gyrating to the schmoove sounds of DJ Jazzy Jeff on the wheels of steel. My guess? Webby organizers walked across the street to Buddakan and gave 100's to models to please oh God improve our party. And improve it they did.

Seeing as this whole Internet thing seems to be working out for some, Nikola and I set out to try to find some web billionaires. Then we realized we didn't know any moguls by appearance; I suggested looking for older men with big faces and tall dates. We found some, but they were pornographers. In our struggle we also talked to lots of people who thought their award-winning sites were so very interesting. One woman bragged to me that her site just set a record for the highest amount of traffic ever sent to the Webby website! I told her that she also just set a record for the highest amount of boring
ever sent to my ears.

Eventually, we found the YouTube guys, Chad and Steve. They seemed pretty chill but so would you if you were crazy wealthy. Steve told us something about it being 99% luck and 1% them, but maybe he was talking about his successes with women. If I were them, I'd probably enjoy using the line "do you want to go viral?" a whole lot more than I should.