So on accident I went into the Gawker office yesterday and, bored, I picked up the June Spin, which apparently is still being published. The cover story on Marilyn Manson turns out to be written by New York hero Jonathan Ames, he of the old infamous New York Press debauchery 'n' self-hatred column and a few fine novels. (Some of the story is online.) So Jonathan goes out to L.A.—excuse me, Chatsworth, for real— and Marilyn Manson's manservant lets him in and serves him a goblet of absinthe. How goth! And uh oh!

"I'm not supposed to drink, due to mental problems and mild liver problems, but I immediately take a sip, like a willing Jonestown suicide," writes Jonathan. Whoa, dude!

Those of us who've been Ames devotees have kept track of the ups and downs of his incompetent drinking career. Apparently this is suddenly a DOWN moment for his issues with his self-confessed dipsomania.

Then he and Manson and Rachel Evan Evan Rachel Evan Wood (she crazy) and Fiona Apple (uh, of course!) go out drinking. Then Ames and Manson go in the bathroom and do some coke. The next day, Manson's all, dude, I couldn't keep up with you! Uh, neither can we. What up, Jonathan?

Also, according to Jonathan's Spin bio, "His graphic novel, The Alcoholic, will be out next year." It sure will.