Each week, we pick out some comments that especially amused us and award them a meaningless prize. Sometimes these comments were made by the same people we just redundancied. There's a lesson there, but we have no idea what it is.

Re: There Is Justice In The World

  • Itsjustcatnip:
    "I don't know whether to be happy that there is a small bit of justice in the world or angry because now I will expect justice all the time."

Re: Mob War Heats Up

  • Astro-nom:
    "They're killing all the guys who were extras in the finale and gave away the ending."

Re: Does Marc Jacobs Have A New Gayface?

Re: Sopranos Finale Ruined For Us By Evil Publicist:

  • Nard38:
    "I saw the e-mail. The subject line is "My client plays 'Leo Philtardo' (Phil Leotardo's tard twin cousin) who is actually the baby's father!!!"

Re: The Webby Awards Party At The Box

  • DonPardoCalrissian:
    "I didn't know Neal Pollack and Robyn Byrd were dating. I did know the Box looks like a rundown Uzbek madrassa but I'm glad there's now proof on the infobahn."