A bad review for the iPhone?

Walt Mossberg, the Wall Street Journal tech reporter often accused of being an Apple fanboy, does not know if the iPhone will receive a good or bad review yet. That's right, Walt got his review iPhone today (surprise), and his early impressions leave him undecided:
I don't know whether I'll give it a good review or not," he said, noting that he will use the phone for the next couple of weeks before writing his review. "I can already see some things I don't like about it. I see some other things that I do like a lot about it."
Walt's concerns are likely to be about using a touchscreen keyboard, cost, and missing features that are available on comparable smartphones — which wouldn't necessarily be a complete drubbing for Apple's uber-gadget. But if the high-profile and trusted gadget reviewer peppers the iPhone with criticism, maybe the lowered expectations of Nick Denton, Valleywag's own editor, will prove the safer bet.