Posh private school tell-alls are so hot right now! That Hotchkiss School roman a clef has been getting improbably lauded and Academy X author Andrew Trees has been getting ousted from Horace Mann—and now another insider peek at that rarefied world has sold. TABOO: A Manhattan Tutor Talks is to be an "autobiographical novel," written by an anonymous author writing under the name "Anna Taggart," whose real identity will be revealed "upon publication." Or maybe sooner. Hey, how's now?

We hear that Anna Taggart is none other than that noted hag of Kristian Laliberte, the socialite Anisha Lakhani (pictured, far right). "She's a very talented writer," an acquaintance of hers tells us. There are also rumors that she's written young adult novels under a pseudonym in the past.

We haven't asked Anisha about this—stay tuned for forthcoming denials or affirmations. But the most convincing evidence that Anisha's behind Taboo is that she used to be the chair of the middle school English department at Dalton, and still tutors. A friend tells us that Anisha has regaled her with tales of girls "getting high while she's helping them write their term papers." If that's the kind of shocking revelation that will be found in Taboo, we can't wait to read it!