Alexis Morell Carrington Colby Dexter Rowan

Each week, we pick out some comments that especially amused us and award them a meaningless prize. You know why? Because we're mad with power. Or because we're hoping some commenters will totally date us.
Re: Dina McGreevey Wants A Faaaaabulous Jury Trial
- ColonelMustard:
"I can't wait for both of them to come storming into court at the same time, dressed like Alexis Carrington Colby."
Re: Al Pacino Is More Italian Than You Are
Re: Coked Up Male Model Terrorizes Hamptons
Re: "Slut It Up" With Julia Allison
- Sara Benincasa:
"I'm so confused by your relationship with Julia Allison, Gawker. Remember when Jessie Spanow used to talk shit on A.C. Slater but actually she was totally sopping for his deltoids and winning smile? And then eventually she admitted the love that had truly been there all along? Gawker, you need to put down the pills and just take Julia to prom already."