Donations to Heritage of Pride, the horribly-named non-profit that produces New York's annual gay pride parade, have dropped off so significantly that the organization is now in the red after years of flushness. Why? Because rich and white people just don't care about their stupid parade. According to the Observer: "'Some people,' said Dennis Spafford, a spokesman for Heritage of Pride, 'don't care anymore.'" OMG no!

Observer-gay John Koblin beat the mean gay streets and the homo hangouts and found that, guess what? Chelsea-living middle-class honky-homos think that every day is their rainbow flag-waving, leather buttfloss-wearing excuse to be as gay as a day in May.

"I live in New York, and it's sort of like every day is Gay Pride Parade," said Matt Davie, 37, an associate publisher at Simon & Schuster, standing in the main room of G Lounge in Chelsea on June 14. "It's not this special day that I can suddenly throw on my rainbow flag, or whatever. That's every day. I don't need this special day where I'm out of the closet."

Clearly! But who else isn't going?

"White people say they experience the parade as being tired and corny," said [journalist Richard] Goldstein. "They'll say it's unattractive to them. The reason it's unattractive to them is because there are all these faces of people of color from all over the world.

"What happens is the parade gets blacker and blacker," he said. "Fewer white people feel drawn to it. The result is, to be seen at the parade is a little déclassé."

There's an upside to this, you know! Soon Gay Pride will be like the Puerto Rican parade—only worse, because it'll have all manner of brown people, and there'll be fences and boomboxes and the stench of frightened white people! Maybe some wilding! And that's how the gays will get their edgy back.

Goodbye, Mr. Chaps [NYO]
[Image via LOLGay]