
Brad From Bay Ridge Proposes "Bridge And Tunnel Parade"

Emily Gould · 06/25/07 11:35AM

If you were in any part of Manhattan or, really, the world yesterday, you probably had some sort of encounter with the rainbow-colored vomit puddles of the Gay Pride parade. A dude named Brad from Bay Ridge was so inconvenienced by this event that he took to his keyboard, decrying the gays and their filthy, bus-delaying ways. We couldn't help but kind of see his point (sic throughout, obvs). "So today i had some errands to run in the city," he begins. " I hop on the bus as usual and expect to be in the lower east side within a half hour. Not today. Today turned out to be the gay pride parade. can someone explain to me how you can shut down half of the biggest city in this nation for a parade to celebrate being gay ? new york city is composed of nearly 6 million people over half of them being women. THE WOMEN OF NYC have been sucking dick for FARRRR longer than any gay man. If anyone should be celebrated and thanked for there efforts it is these woman." We like where you're going with this!

New York Gay Pride Parade In The Red

Choire · 06/20/07 09:20AM

Donations to Heritage of Pride, the horribly-named non-profit that produces New York's annual gay pride parade, have dropped off so significantly that the organization is now in the red after years of flushness. Why? Because rich and white people just don't care about their stupid parade. According to the Observer: "'Some people,' said Dennis Spafford, a spokesman for Heritage of Pride, 'don't care anymore.'" OMG no!

Gap Manager Ruins Gayness For Everyone

abalk · 06/19/07 10:02AM

We were having a discussion with a friend the other day about "the new gays." We already know that Asians are the new Jews, but now that the gays are mainstream, who will take their place as a furtive, closeted group who somehow elevates culture while remaining apart from it? We couldn't come up with an appropriate analog (the closest we got was "the autistic"), which forced us to consider that maybe our thesis was wrong. Maybe the gays hadn't yet been fully assimilated enough to be replaced. And then we got this press release and learned about William Sledd, who is apparently the queen of viral video.