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Ten-year Forbes vet Peter Kafka, who most recently slaved away as the Media Editor on, quit yesterday; he'll be joining what we hear is a new tech blog backed by former Merrill Lynch analyst and current Slate pontificator Henry Blodget and Kevin Ryan, one of the co-founders of Internet ad agency Doubleclick. This is not Blodget's existing site InternetOutsider, but something new. "It doesn't have a name yet but we should have more details in a month or so," Kafka tells us.

The internal discontent at has been documented; like others who have left, we're told that Kafka was fed up with the unrealistic pageview expectations at (which, we hear, are somewhere north of 2 billion a year—is that possible?). Also, when he gave notice, he was asked to leave that day. Ouch. When we asked him about this, Kafka simply said, "I worked at Forbes for a decade; it's been a good run and I wanted to try my hand at something else." Fair enough!