As the folks over at CBS's Public Eye note, summer is the season of the list. (The article functions as a collection of lists itself, which is probably intentional.) Why is this the case? Well, nothing happens between Memorial Day and Labor Day, and lazy journalists need to fill space. This problem also affects bloggers, who are even lazier than journalists. Inspired by Jon Friedman's contribution to the genre ("The biggest media stories of 2007 are ..."), we decided to make a list of our own biggest stories this year, as judged by a special correspondent.

The Best Posts of 2007, Thus Far
Judged By My Cock

  • The New 'Observer' Cares About Porn: "I don't give a shit about the Observer, but you totally had me at porn. I could stare at Johanna Angel's behind for three minutes!"
  • Rachel Sklar Is Bags Of Fun, Credibility: "Nothing makes me pay attention to a Canadian media critic opining 'aboot' the state of American journalism more than a great rack. Thanks for the eyecandy, Rachel!"
  • Patrice Oneal Explains Donkey-Punching On Fox News: "I'm always up for a good rape joke, and the 'donkey punch' thing sealed the deal!"
  • Eve Ensler: Again With The Vaginas: "This post was a little too intellectual for me, but it did mention vaginas about seven million times. The word 'vagina' always makes my balls perk up."
  • The Ivy Cup: "Hello, CLEAVEland!"
  • There Is Mystery Associated With Angelina Jolie!: "Dude, I've said it before and I'll say it again: This chick is HOT. The blindfold makes her even sexier."
  • Amanda Congdon: The Ultimate In Taser Porn: "Watching all the jiggling as the Rack got rocked sent shivers down my vas deferens. It's probably that whole taboo combination of sex and violence. What do I know, I'm just genitalia."
  • Maggie Gyllenhaal Nursing Pix Spark Momtroversy: "Ah, the human breast. Giver of life. Carrier of hope. Bringer of joy. And this one belongs to a movie star! More like this, please. Much more."
  • OMG Britney Sex Tape OMG!!!!! (Probably/Maybe.): "Okay, it turned out not to really be Britney, so points off there. But it did feature a blowjob. And who doesn't love blowjobs? Crazy people, that's who! Even though some people thought this particular blower was lacking in technique, you need to remember the old adage that 'A blowjob is like a pizza: If someone's putting you in their mouth and sucking you, you're probably going to be happy. And then you can have pizza!'"
  • Times Square Still Extremely Unsafe For Children: "Okay, it's a little unorthodox, but, come on! Clips of kids getting kicked into the air are hysterical. EVERY cock loves them. They may not all admit it, but they do. Hahaha, that little tyke flew."

My Cock's last article for Gawker examined the changing role of the British monarchy in the post-industrial era. His memoir, The Year of Magical Bonking, will be published this fall.