We Will Find The Male Straight Hotties Of Book Publishing!

So it's summertime, and let's be honest, that means three things: everyone is wearing fewer items of apparel, which means everyone's kind of horny, and also everyone has summer half-day Fridays. Oh! Right. Except us. Hmm, but you know when I did used to have summer Fridays? Back in the halcyon days of, oh, 9 or so months ago when I worked in book publishing. Hey, that gives me an idea! Let's have you send me your nominations for who you think are the hottest straight guys who work in book publishing. I know, it's like shooting fish in a huge, huge barrel with not so very many fish in it. But that's why I need your help.
The only ones I can think of off the top of my head are agent Luke Janklow, editor Mark Chait at Penguin/NAL, agent Jud Laghi, editor Geoff Shandler at Little, Brown, and associate editor Brendan Duffy at Hyperion. So help me fill in the blanks. It doesn't matter if they're married, because we know that never lasts. Sending pictures helps. Then we'll have a poll and the winner will have his glamourshots taken, if he's willing (and maybe even if he's not)! Yay! Summer!