[Updated] (Not the) first attempted iPhone mugging

[Update: Missing a few seconds, changes everything, apologies: it was just an idiot trying to get some attention by stealing the Fox reporter's mic, not the iPhone. The hordes are getting restless. See the follow up and the video.]
Steven Levy of Newsweek, "one of only four" people allowed to review the iPhone early, was just jumped and nearly mugged, live on Fox News (9:26 AM EDT). The foolish mugger — who appears to have been going for the iPhone, but grabbed the Fox reporter's mic instead — was quickly dispatched by police and camera men. Levy quickly bounced up and proceeded to demo the device (it did not appear to be scratched or harmed for those concerned) with much aplomb to the shaken announcer — even though Fox initially cut away and did not know how to handle the situation. Now that the iPhone will be released, you don't need to hide it... but you might be wise to do so. The video, after the jump.