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Yesterday, Isaiah Washington revealed that gayhab exists only in the same mythical realm as [spoiler alert] Tinkerbell and the Tooth Fairy, thereby throwing into question everything we thought we knew about celebrities' seemingly sincere efforts to better themselves after precipitating a very public and catastrophic blow to their careers. Unfortunately, this appeared not be an isolated incident, as Britney Spears is alleging that her recent Promises stay was yet another case of the fauxhab epidemic currently sweeping Hollywood. Reports

Sources tell TMZ that Lynne Spears, Kevin Federline and then-manager Larry Rudolph all pressured Britney to check herself in. We're told Spears acknowledged having emotional problems after her second child was born, but strongly maintained she did not have a drug or alcohol problem.

Nonetheless, multiple sources say Federline threatened to go public by going to court to wrestle custody from her if she didn't go to rehab. Sources say Spears could not withstand the pressure from her mom, Federline and Ruldolph, and checked into Promises last February 20.

We're told eventually the professionals believed Spears suffered from post-partum depression, made worse because she stopped taking Prozac.

If the allegations—which Spears first hinted at in an open letter to her fans in late May—are true, we're forced to wonder what, exactly, is going on behind the high shrubberies lining the perimeters of Hollywood's leading celebrity wellness centers. Perhaps we now have a better idea of just what Spears was referring to with her suggested album title of "Omg is Like Lindsay Lohan Like Okay Like"—which now reads as a cynical, coded message of solidarity with the starlet, who suspiciously extended her stay at the facility desperate having publicly declared herself a proud non-addict.