What's with these summer interns lately? Either they're overworked and underpaid and complaining about it, or underworked and underpaid and complaining about it. Is no one ever happy? Today on Poynter, an intern writes in to the "Ask a Recruiter" feature because s/he's bored to tears at their "do-nothing" internship. And over on the Ed2010 message board, someone complains, "I have two internships with the same publisher and both have immense amounts of downtime. I spend 40 hrs a week there and get 5 hours of work each week if I'm lucky. Everytime I ask editors or assts for work they apologize and say they have nothing for me, not even a photocopy." Oh, boo hoo! Just wait until you're working your ass off for a horrible boss who makes you stay until all hours and asks you to pick up their dry cleaning. Not that we're thinking of anyone in particular.

Quit My Do-Nothing Internship? [Poynter]
Need Advice—Since When Do Editors Have No Work For Interns? [Ed2010]