Hamilton Nolan · 03/09/08 12:39PMWhat happened to ed2010? The website that promised to help bright young things land their NYC editorial dream jobs has been down for a while now. Did they just become reasonable and give up? Email us with any info. [UPDATE: Turns out they got so popular that their service provider shut them down for "over access" Well, make some money, you socialists!]
The New Crop Of Interns Is Bored
Doree Shafrir · 07/03/07 01:10PMWhat's with these summer interns lately? Either they're overworked and underpaid and complaining about it, or underworked and underpaid and complaining about it. Is no one ever happy? Today on Poynter, an intern writes in to the "Ask a Recruiter" feature because s/he's bored to tears at their "do-nothing" internship. And over on the Ed2010 message board, someone complains, "I have two internships with the same publisher and both have immense amounts of downtime. I spend 40 hrs a week there and get 5 hours of work each week if I'm lucky. Everytime I ask editors or assts for work they apologize and say they have nothing for me, not even a photocopy." Oh, boo hoo! Just wait until you're working your ass off for a horrible boss who makes you stay until all hours and asks you to pick up their dry cleaning. Not that we're thinking of anyone in particular.
Youngsters Shocked By Sex In The Office
Emily Gould · 05/23/07 03:33PMJob Listing Reeks Of Atoosa Rubenstein
Emily Gould · 02/14/07 05:10PM
Hey, do you have what it takes to "drive the vision, tone and direction of a new web destination?" Do you want to "learn firsthand what it takes to make user-generated content work?" (Sigh; don't we all!) Well, your big opportunity might lie at the end of the goth Lisa Frank drippy rainbow, if you catch our drift. You know, House of 'Toos! After the jump, the full job posting for this Managing Editor position, from the Ed2010 "Whisper Jobs" listing. Is it just us, or do you smell Alpha Kitty litter?
Founder of Ed2010 Helps Herself First and Foremost
Doree Shafrir · 01/22/07 02:30PM
As the hours tick by, we're wondering when Ed2010 will see fit to change its name to something less expirational. In the meantime, look at founder Chandra Czape Turner, who's been promoted to executive editor of CosmoGirl! a mere nine years after founding Ed2010. Since Chandra's the only person we know who Ed2010 has ever helped, the promotion feels especially poignant. We'd also like to take this opportunity to suggest that she consider spending some of the money she's undoubtedly earned from her promotion to update the Ed2010 website, as there's certainly nothing evocative of 2010 about it.
Julia Allison Has an Opening That's Perfect For You!
Emily Gould · 11/29/06 09:30AM
A job opening, that is! What were you thinking, perv? Anyway, judging from the emails our favorite free-newspaper sex columnist has been sending to her mailing list lately, she's been getting increasingly desperate for your hot, throbbing content ( "Everything is appreciated as I have absolutely no original ideas of any sort right now.") So we weren't surprised to see this advertisement in ED2010, an email newsletter for people who think an email newsletter is going to help them become editors by 2010. (Digression: it's been called that since we were in college — are they going to change the name as the goal gets increasingly unrealistic, or is it going to be like 'In the Year 2000' on Conan? Seriously, how retarded).
Ed2010 Raises the Tough Questions
Jesse · 05/22/06 12:08PM
Ed2010 is the "group for young editors who are hoping to reach their dream magazine jobs by the year 2010" (with the presupposition that one's dream magazine job must be at a mind-numbing women's book), and things have been getting hot and heavy on its bulletin boards lately. A perhaps unprecedented number of replies have been prompted by a troubled inquiry posted Friday night: