Every week we single some commenters out for approbation. This week, because we're feeling extra nice (also: loopy! and tired), we're explaining the "reasoning" behind our decisions.

Re: All Ballet Dancers Do Cocaine

  • TheBigDoggy:
    "Ah, so Pete Doherty is simply in training for his surprise turn in The Nutcracker?"
    Choire: "I thought it was a lovely picture, Pete Doherty, dancing so formally, and also a nice association: when this person thinks of coke, he thinks of Pete."

Re: Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo Sex Pics

  • HeatherFink:
    "Yay! This is the sort of stuff I like to look at."
    Choire: "Here's to enthusiasm!"
  • Re: Is Jenna Bush The New James Frey?
  • Lolcait:
    "Ana's Story is an anagram for Satan Roys which, owing to Jenna's poor French, was an attempt to say Satan Roi, "King Satan." Which means....yup, you guessed it: I'm drunk."
    Emily: "I'm a sucker for unexpected twists. Also, drunks. Man I miss Balk."
  • Re: Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo Sex Pics
  • The Brazilian:
    "A lot of over-indicating going on here, so typical of bad actors."
    Emily: "This is sort of my platonic ideal of a comment. Instead of saying, 'Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo clearly staged this Skinemax-style sesh to rev up their sort of flagging what do they do again careers,' The Brazilian says all that so pithily, but so obliquely. This is less a "hahaha" than a satisfied chuckle."
  • Re: Sex and the Cineplex
  • Scout
    "Isn't that how Trey met Charlotte?"
    Emily: "Come on, you thought it too!"