Oscar Winner Forest Whitaker Indulges Patriotic Feelings At Santa Monica Pier

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and tell everyone about the night Mr. Belding tore up "Don't Stop Believin'" in front of a packed Metal Skool crowd.
In today's episode: Forest Whitaker; Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox; Amaury Nelasco; Evan Handler; David Arquette; Jackie Earl Haley; Jason Lee and Giovanni Ribisi; Luke Perry; Michael Rapaport; Rob Zombie; Dr. Drew Pinsky; Julie Bowen; Ron Leibman; Neil Patrick Harris; Jackie Warner; Jeffrey Ross; Dennis Haskins, Ryan Cabrera and Simple Plan; Henry Rollins; and Kristin Cavallari.
· July 4th - I didn't see any half-naked starlets/socialites, but I did catch an Oscar winner. While having a leisurely late lunch at Shutters, I spotted Forest Whitaker and his lovely family enjoying a stroll toward the Santa Monica Pier.
· July 4th Eve - 4 network stars. Walking across the Sunset Tower/Tower Bar driveway my 6'2" friend by my side enjoyed a sighting reserved for the tall. He peered in to the burkha-like slit in a black Range Rover's driver side window to spy NBC's Jennifer Aniston attempting to turn left on to Sunset while lighting up a smoke. Courteney Cox riding shotgun. (9:50 PM). Later at the opening of Charcoal at the Arclight complex, FOX's Amaury Nelasco (Prison Break) was lurking in the back corner (navy button down, dark jeans, platinum chunky chain, bald head). The owner attached himself at the waist to him all night, but Amaury had no friends in sight. Blonde chick in a white dress who "kinda" knew who he was was "kinda" trying to get on him. He left without her. But the Emmy worthy sighting of my night was "Dave", Hurley's imaginary friend from the mental ward from ABC's "Lost". (Evan Handler). He was at Lubavitch, the "I didn't get in to Winston's" bar on Santa Monica early (10:15 ish), drinking Stella Artois bottles, wearing a maroon button down that oddly matched the bartenders', and sitting by himself at the bar waiting for a brunette he eventually left with. Being all boozy, I initially thought it was Howie Mandel. So all of Defamer loves Kiefer...but this Defame-whore is officially sporting his kitson T-shirt as Team Lost. (P.S. C'mon CBS, get with it.)
· 7-1 I was having brunch at Geoffrey's in Malibu this past Sunday when low and behold Courteney Cox and David Arquette walk in. They were both very incognito and funny enough I recognized David Arquette before Courtney, who looked like she's had one too many cigarettes. After that my friends and I decied to have a drink over at Moonshadows and I spotted Jackie Earl Haley lounging around and enjoying his sunday.
· 1. On Sunday, July 1, I see this white trash cowboy saunter into trendy Silverlake tapas joint Malo. Who is this guy in a long sleeved checkered button-down mixing with boys in skinny jeans? It's Jason Lee, cutely staying in "Earl" character...looks like he just walked off Stage 3 or whatever. He sits down at a big patio table, where a 7 year-old type is annoyingly waving an iPhone. Wife? is refreshingly normal looking, as she plops down next to Earl, with a kid or two in tow. Quickly, I scan the rest of the table. Where is his permanent sidekick? Damn it - he's solo this time? "No that's Giovanni Ribisi right there," my husband sighs. Huh? Perhaps in an unnecessary disguise, so as to fool Defamer operatives, Ribisi has a giant fro happening, and a thick mustache..Sort of a weird 70's Burt Reynolds/last year's Phil Spector hybrid.
2. On Thursday, July 5, at around 7 p.m. or so, saw Luke Perry in a ballcap at mid-Wilshire Irish bar Tom Bergin's. Sat down at the wraparound bar, surrounded by some other can't-place dudes. Totally seems like he'd be fun to grab a beer with - seems to be aging better than a lot of those 90210 kids.
· 7-5 So I'm eating a delicious turkey on cheese and jalapeno bagel sandwich outside Sam's Bagels on Larchmont when the couple two tables away starts having a full-blown argument. My lunch cohort and I had noticed that it was that curly-haired New York-accented actor Michael Rapaport. We went about our lunch until we honestly couldn't talk normally, so we left. He needs a haircut b/c his shaggy curls draw attention to his bald spot, but it's nice to see he's tall. She looked good.
· Sunday (7/01) I took my in-from-out-of-town mother to the Pinkberry on Larchmont. In line behind us was Rob Zombie and his wife. When we left the store I had to explain to her who he was several times; she declared that he "didn't look like someone who would be famous." Then Monday morning I was dropping her off at the Burbank airport, when she recognized Dr. Drew Pinsky unloading the car in front of us with his family. It was really surprising that she recognized him before I did... I hope she's not been calling into Love Line with questions about... *Shudder*
· July 4th, around 1pm, spotted Julie Bowen sitting at a cafe along Vermont, possibly Figaro's or whatever it's called. The one by the theatre that isn't Fred 62 or the Italian place. Anyway, she was smiling/laughing while at one of the outdoor tables. Saw her as I walked past and thought, "She's pretty." Then thought, "WAIT, she was Jack's wife on Lost!" Spent the rest of the block trying to remember her name. I know it's not Keifer, but it is Los Feliz.
· Wed. 7/4, LAX: Ron Leibman, smoking outside the Delta terminal in a full suit and a leather-like tan. In pointing him out to my husband, I instinctively blurted out, "Kaz!" What can I say, that show made an impression on my 9 year-old self.
· Reality fitness guru Jackie Warner (Bravo's "Workout") spent the Fourth of July at the Abbey in West Hollywood, drinking and (gasp!) smoking.
I keep seeing Neil Patrick Harris in the locker room at Equinox West Hollywood these days in that late afternoon time slot before all the office dwellers come and ruin the vibe. He seems more cheerful lately and is being friendly to fellow patrons all of a sudden.
· The Fourth of July. 101 Coffee Shop, enjoying some Cuban corn on the cob and an espresso milkshake at the counter, Comedy Central roast MC and filthy poet Jeffrey Ross saunters in with three other men.
· Metal Skool last night at the Key Club (july 2nd), the highlight was Dennis Haskins, Mr. Belding of Saved By the Bell fame himself...not only was he super bloated, but he had the nerve to get up on stage and sing Journey's "Don't Stop Believin", mildly attempt Alice Cooper, and creepily check out the underage valley girls on stage during the last song. I've been told he's done this before, and it's all on youtube...so what the hell? The band kept calling him Richard and asked him what he thought of Screech's sex tape. It was great. Also in the crowd was Ryan Cabrera walking back and forth constantly from the vip area with a hat on what looked like day 4 of not washing his hair. He had a posse of girls. And to top it off, Simple Plan was there as well. if anyone remembers, they made a mild impact during the height of blink 182, sum 41, and all the number bands. I guess cover bands attract C listers...?
· july 3rd Henry Rollins at the Sunn 0))) show, el rey theatre. Looked hot.
· My date recognized Kristin Cavallari at The Pig on La Brea. Apparently she was in some kind of reality show on the music television channel. Not sure who she is but she was with a guy who was such an uber-douche he left a trail of vinegar from the street.