The Last Frantic Moments Of 'Jane'

From the mailbag comes a tale of what goes down when a gaggle of women's magazine staffers simultaneously find out that their magazine is going down the tubes:
My friend works at JANE (well, up until yesterday) and she told me that at 11 a.m., all of the editors and people went into their regular Monday meeting, and 2 hours later, they all came RUNNING down the hall. People were completely nuts and started grabbing everything they could from the fashion closets.
Oh, it goes on!
Kusum Lynn, the fashion director, packed up two huge trunks and had them sent to her apartment. [Ed. Note: We're assuming they were her own clothes, natch. Not necessarily nefarious!] Everybody who had Treos from Conde Nast (a lot of people) had to surrender them by 6 p.m., so they were frantically trying to copy down all of their contacts. A lot of people went to HR to get help finding new jobs, but those who didn't want to work at Conde anymore (like [senior editor] Joshua Lyon) just left pretty much as soon as they cleaned off their desk. Turner, the accessories editor, was trying to get people to stop stealing clothes and stuff but nobody would listen. By the mid-afternoon, there was a guard posted at the fashion closets who wouldn't let people go in or out without checking their bags. Turner was told that everything that she didn't return to the PR companies by today, she would be paying for personally.
Only Brandon knew on Friday, and my friend thinks maybe one other person. Everybody else had no idea. [Executive editor] Stephanie Trong is starting her own fashion zine, so she probably had an idea that the magazine was going to be shut down soon.
There is a super fake reality show being filmed for SOAPNET at JANE starring two people hired specifically to "work" there who literally do nothing except when the cameras are on them. The camera crew filmed the whole thing, so it should be on TV when the show comes out. The two people on the show were the only ones crying.
No wonder editor Brandon Holley plans to chill out for a while after her time at Jane. This sounds exhausting!