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Time has deigned to inform the public of the 5 Worst Websites on the Internet. Yes, the same magazine that named YOU the Person of the Year in 2006 is telling you the five sites to avoid. But first, we'll add a sixth to the list:, for wasting so many expensively edited words on five websites that clearly don't deserve them. After the jump, we read Time's list so you don't have to.

  1. Dating site eHarmony. The review starts scathing ("its power to cause utter despair") and ends ominous ("The site also discriminates against gays.") Sounds like a Time writer has been watching rival's advertising copy.
  2. Evite. The site design is dated and clumsy — just like Time's analysis of why it sucks, plainly cribbed from Valleywag.
  3. Meez. We never heard of this personal avatar creation tool, and we wish we hadn't. Thanks, Time
  4. MySpace. Last year, it was one of Time's "50 Coolest Web Sites." Looks like Time Warner is cutting back on the Lexis-Nexis budget for clip searches.
  5. Second Life. Again, slavishly following Valleywag, Time disses the corporate world's embrace of Second Life as "a case of some CEOs trying too hard to be hip." Just like some venerable glossies we know.