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  • Dow Jones executives met with Ron Burkle and MySpace founder Brad Greenspan, who would like to buy the Wall Street Journal but will not, because Rupert Murdoch's gonna get it. [NYT]
  • Former Dow Jones CEO Peter Kann: "[I]f the family is going to sell I see no point in pursuing industrial conglomerates, Internet entrepreneurs, supermarket magnates and real-estate developers. None know anything at all about journalism." Uh, neither does Sam Zell, the new owner of Tribune? "As to Mr. Murdoch, at least he loves newspapers, presumably would invest in the WSJ and Dow Jones, and would seem to have little incentive to tarnish a trophy he has coveted for so long." [WSJ]
  • CJR's Dean Starkman says threats of job cuts at the Journal should the deal fail to go through are an attempt by senior executives to stop staffers from opposing the bid. BusinessWeek's Jon Fine calls bullshit. [BusinessWeek]
  • James Murdoch, CEO of News Corp.'s BSkyB, supports the Carlyle Group's possible takeover of Virgin Media. Meanwhile, BSkyB shares hit a three-year high. [Guardian]
  • News Corp.'s New York Post inches closer to putting out a weekly Page Six magazine. Maybe if the deal goes through it can replace the Journal's dreadful Pursuits section! [Radar]
  • Says Rupert: "The show's had its ups and downs. It had a couple years there where it grew a bit dark, but we sort of got them out of that." Think he'll be hands-off with the Journal? He couldn't even leave "The Simpsons" alone! [VF]