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We suspect generations of USC film marketing majors will be required to study The Simpsons Movie campaign, whose out-of-the-Slurpee-container approach to creating buzz for the feature film debut of the familiar yellow clan scores points for both its originality and ambition. But not even retrofitting select 7-Eleven locations across the nation into living Temples of Apu can match the sheer audacity of drawing a giant, donut wielding Homer beside a centuries-old fertility symbol carved into the landscape of Dorset, England.

(We pause, of course, to acknowledge how easily the ridiculous image above could have been created with even the most primitive digital drawing programs, but take will take UK tab The Sun at their word that the sprinklicious symbol was accomplished with water-based biodegradable paint.) Local pagans, not surprisingly, feel their priapic, club-wielding totem has no place next to the crass, tighty-whitey consumerism of its new neighbor, but are told there is nothing that can be done until the first rainfall washes the giant Homer away.

[Photo: The Sun]