Good news for cineaste media junkies! Variety brings news of a film based on the Judith Miller affair!

Rod Lurie will next direct his script "Nothing but the Truth," a drama about a D.C.-based female newspaper reporter who outs a CIA agent and is imprisoned for refusing to reveal her source.Cast is mobilizing for an October production start. Talks are under way for Kate Beckinsale to play the journalist, Matt Dillon the prosecutor, Vera Farmiga the CIA agent, Edie Falco (in her first role since "The Sopranos") the editor of the newspaper that published the story...

Does that make Edie the Times's Jill Abramson? And who will play Time's Norman Pearlstine, who caved in the face of threats from special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald and told his reporter Matt Cooper to testify? Anyway, interesting choices. Let's see how the cast stacks up against their real-life counterparts?

As Judy Miller: Kate Beckinsale

As Valerie Plame: Vera Farmiga

As Jill Abramson: Edie Falco

As Patrick Fitzgerald: Matt Dillon

As Norman Pearlstine: A pile of folded laundry

'Truth' lures writer-director Lurie [Variety]