
Poor Jennifer Aniston Can't Even Do Well on TV Anymore

Richard Lawson · 09/23/10 01:15PM

Try as she did, her presence on air last night didn't get people worked up. Also today: Matt Dillon gets a juicy role, Angelina finds her leady lady, and two favorite Lost actors are getting together for a new show!

America Finally Defeats Mexico In Historic Labor Day Battle

Richard Lawson · 09/07/10 10:08AM

Yup, it's been decided. You're next, Europe. Elsewhere this weekend, some old has-beens fared pretty well, people just kept on taking stuff, and a romantic comedy turned out to be something else altogether.

A Split for the Countess, A Suit for the Queen

cityfile · 03/31/09 06:06AM

• Sad news for those of you who expected "Real Housewife" Luann de Lesseps to be with her count in shining armor forever. The couple is now splitting up, reportedly because the count is getting serious with an "Ethiopian woman in Geneva." On the plus side, Luann should be able to hold on to her title as "Countess," which is the only thing that matters anyway. [P6]
Queen Latifah has been sued by her former "beauty and style consultants" for not paying $1 million in fees. [NYP]
Jennifer Lopez brought 11 pieces of luggage with her on her weekend trip to Japan. Even worse: They were of the cheap, non-designer variety. [DM]
• Soho House is kicking out the finance-types and says it plans to get back to its "artsy roots." Good luck with that. [P6]

Happy Birthday

cityfile · 02/18/09 07:45AM

Designer Doo-Ri Chung turns 36 today. Matt Dillon is 45. Yoko Ono is celebrating her 76th. John Travolta is turning 55. Magazine icon Helen Gurley Brown is 87. Writer Toni Morrison is 78. Molly Ringwald turns 41. Breakfast Club director John Hughes is 59. Singer Regina Spektor turns 29. Dr. Dre is 44. Cybill Shepherd is 59. Hedge fund manager Mark Kingdon is 60. Film director Milos Forman is turning 77. And Wheel of Fortune's very own Vanna White is 52 today.

Sex and the City Ladies Finally Commit

cityfile · 01/22/09 06:29AM

• Hope you're ready to go through it all over again: Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Cynthia Nixon, and Kristin Davis have all agreed to participate in a Sex and the City movie sequel. [Us]
Graydon Carter should really consider writing a nutrition cookbook: It seems Madonna's secret to eternal youth is the salmon with lentils at the Waverly Inn. [L&S]
• Still more drama from the inaugural festivities in DC earlier this week: Chris Matthews got pissed about having to wait on line, Sharon Stone was annoyed she had to co-host a segment on CNN with D.L. Hughley, and Halle Berry went into panic mode after her dress got caught in an escalator. [P6]
Gwyneth Paltrow was spotted on a flight doing yoga in the aisle recently. Is this becoming a trend? [Star]
• Charges against Mathias Guerrand-Hermès have been dropped. [NYDN]

Holiday Vacation Hijinks

cityfile · 01/02/09 06:49AM

• Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson got into yet another public spat while heading home to LA after spending New Year's in Miami. Lindsay eventually got so upset a flight attendant suggested LiLo disembark. [TMZ]
George Soros reportedly spent New Year's partying with "two young brunettes" on Paul Allen's yacht, Octopus, off St. Barts. Now at least we know where son Alex gets it from. [P6]
Queen Latifah was robbed of $10,000 worth of jewelry while on vacation in Trinidad and Tobago over Christmas. [Us]
• Kathy Griffin made a dick joke during CNN's live NYE broadcast with Anderson Cooper. The video is here, in case you care. [NYP]

The Tuesday Party Report

cityfile · 12/09/08 01:16PM

A crowd of nearly 400 made their annual trip to the Bronx last Friday night for the New York Botanical Garden's 10th annual Winter Wonderland Ball. The black-and-white dinner, sponsored by Chanel, featured appearances by the likes of Cristina and Chris Cuomo, Nina Garcia, Marjorie Gubelmann, Byrdie Bell, Poppy Delevingne, Minnie Mortimer Gaghan, Steve and Christine Schwarzman, Dalia Oberlander, Gillian Hearst Simonds, Alex Kramer, Alexandra Lebenthal, Molly Sims, Holly Dunlap, Erin Fetherston, Margherita Missoni, Zani Gugelmann, Coco Rocha, Gillian and Sylvester Miniter, Bronson Van Wyck, Patrick McDonald, Stephen Knoll, Jessica Joffe, Jill Kargman, Lauren Remington Platt, Coralie Charriol Paul, Joe and Nazee Moinian, Kate Schelter, James and Whitney Fairchild, Lydia Fenet, Maggie Betts, Meredith Melling Burke, and Pamela Fiori. [PMc,, NYSD, The Daily]

STV · 11/06/08 12:47PM

Hollywood PrivacyWatch: 11/5 — At Mozza, sitting facing the window on Highland, jokingly ask GF if there's anybody behind me in the joint more famous than us? She replies "there is now" and the deuce next to us gets filled with some celeb I can't see and his girlfriend. Nobody pays them too much attention. The guy tries to establish his wine geek cred by asking if the HW knows James Sokolin, "a very good friend of (his) in New York." I recognize the voice and turn to see MATT DILLON. There's no way this guy is 6' tall. If he is, I'm Howard Stern. After their apps he moves to the banquette with his hottie Asian GF, some kissy-huggie and at that point the supplicants pour forth to pay their obeisance. Meanwhile, five LAPD black and whites (back east we call them "cruisers") and a helicopter are chasing a mob of demonstrators at Highland & Hollywood. [Hollywood PrivacyWatch is written by and for Defamer readers; send your sightings to]

5 Celebrities Who Really Hate the Paparazzi

Richard Lawson · 10/13/08 02:13PM

Actor Tobey Maguire has had another confrontation with the ever-dogged paparazzi, this incident ending in bloodshed. Apparently, his friend punched some photographer and was hauled off to jail. This is the second such outburst for the Spider-Man star, but he's not the only one to lash out at the wicked, prying photogs and their gaggle of flashing lights and inane questions. After the jump take a took at five other celebrities who have stood up and barked "No!" at the insidious rabble.


cityfile · 09/24/08 09:21AM

Matthew Broderick holding hands with Sarah Jessica Parker while walking in Midtown and later riding on a scooter with little James ... Maggie Gyllenhaal crossing the street ... Calvin Klein eating outside with a friend ... Carla Bruni carrying a Post under her arm ... Marcia Gay Harden and her daughter crossing the street with smoothies in hand... Katie Holmes leaving her building solo ... Sarah Palin arriving at the Colombian Embassy on the Upper East Side ... Diane Lane posing with an autograph-seeker outside her hotel ... Julianne Moore hopping into a SUV outside her West Village townhouse ... Matt Dillon stepping off the sidewalk ... Billy Bob Thornton outside NBC before taping Conan O'Brien's show ... and John Mayer all dressed up en route to a benefit.

Bruce Willis Man Enough To Pull Off Lavender

Seth Abramovitch · 03/07/08 04:20PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often—the fate of the universe relies upon it! Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you stumbled upon Ian Ziering getting a pedicure in a Hollywood strip mall.

Matt Dillon Thinks A Dirty Pap's A Dirty Pap, Regardless Of Age

Seth Abramovitch · 03/03/08 08:23PM

Austin Visschedyk, Kid Pap: Name ring any bells? We devoted several electronic column inches to the juvenile paparazzi after he was profiled by the NY Times, one of a growing member of a new tween underclass toiling in the Hollywood trenches. Like Gary Busey's child-interviewer attack victim and the Chinese Theater Ewok drop-kicked by a very territorial Chewbacca, Vosschedyk knows from child-labor perils. Still, there's something deeply affecting about hearing his first-person account to TMZ's cameras of the time Matt Dillon not only refused his polite request for a picture, but told the flash-happy youngster to "get a life" after Vosschedyk innocently got a gang of his closest pap-buddies to trail the camera-shy Crash star.

Matt Dillon

cityfile · 02/03/08 09:38PM

Dillon is a heavy-browed actor, serial dater, and ex-teen idol.

Not Much Owen Wilson Rubbed Off On Matt Dillon

Erica · 07/18/07 01:25PM

The date: July 10th
The place: 81st at Columbus
Sighted: "Saw Matt Dillon about an hour ago at Starbucks wearing large sunglasses and a black t-shirt, holding his cell phone three inches in front of his face and whining into it while waiting for his coffee order. Looks like he recently had a chin-tuck."

Help Matt Dillon Save Our Planet!

mark · 05/18/07 02:25PM

Yahoo's homepage is currently attempting to lure visitors to its Answers section with Crash star Matt Dillon's instantly recognizable face, which seems to grimly bear the burden of knowing that our planet is teetering on the brink of environmental disaster—unless. of course, you click through, spend a couple of minutes reading up his past and present projects, and then offer your own tips, like, "Turn off lights. Do not use incandescent bulbs but fluorescent bulbs. Do not over-use or waste water," "Cold water wash gets the clothes as clean as warm or hot water. I am using only cold water now for quite a while," or, "Drive a Prius to your next movie premiere—you'll use less gas and get more red-carpet tail than Leo DiCaprio at a 'save the rainforest' rally."

Gossip Roundup: Stephen Baldwin, Now Even More Disgusting

gdelahaye · 08/11/06 12:20PM

• At least someone is trying to keep Madonna's lesbian cougar tendencies in check. [Liz Smith]
• Heidi Klum and Elle McPherson wage war over nickname "The Body," not realizing that the rest of the world just thinks of them as "old." [Lowdown]
• Matt Dillon is just as big of a schmuck in real life as he seems in his movies. World unimpressed. [Page Six]
• "Actor Stephen Baldwin is the born-again, George Bush-loving Baldwin brother, but who knew he's also a fan of threesomes in the bedroom?" You mean besides anyone who saw his movie Threesome? Also: gross. [Lowdown]
• Old Jew hears about success of David Cross impersonator, makes adjustments for age, becomes Larry David impersonator. [R&M]
• Dave Navarro no longer in love wit a stripper. [CNN]

Night Of A Thousand Sweatpants: Anatomy Of A Bomb

Seth Abramovitch · 03/06/06 04:38PM

The jury appears to still be out on Jon Stewart's Oscar host performance last night, with some feeling he juggled all the necessary elements to make for a decent, if safe, showing, and others feeling that, well, he sucked the big one. Regardless on where you stood, it was hard to deny that there was an underlying lack of fundamental Stewart love in the room last night. Take for instance the above reaction shot to one of his less-inspired comedic riffs: After mentioning that this year heralds a "return to glamour," Stewart notes that it's a huge improvement over last year's theme, "Night of a Thousand Sweatpants." (In his writing staff's defense, the quip does manage to completely avoid the subject of Dick Cheney, hunting, or shooting people in the face). We dissect the celebrity reaction, above, in decreasing order of fake enjoyment: 1. Charlize Theron: Lips pursed, jaw clenched, eyes angry. From a distance, could be confused with an actual smile. Close up, she appears to be fantasizing about what drain-opening solvents would cause the most internal damage to host Stewart. 2. Matt Dillon: Not a smile, but not entirely unamused. Oblivious, more than anything: Off in some far away place known only as "Oscar Winner, Matt Dillon Land." 3. Ludacris. Thoroughly unamused and doesn't care who knows it. Actively frowning. Thinking to self how Stewart's sweatpants jokes wouldn't even cut it at the Vibe Awards.