The Difference Between British And American Women

This morning, we received an email solicitation to subscribe to a magazine called Scarlet, which promised, for only £1 an issue, to be "THE MAGAZINE THAT TURNS WOMEN ON." Well well well! Color us intrigued. It turns out it's, like, this totally British version of Our Bodies, Ourselves plus Cosmo plus self-empowerment + skankiness... wait, did we just describe Jezebel?
From the editor:
Scarlet is packed with frank informative features that talk to the readers the way women talk to each other when men aren't around. Scarlet will never patronise you or support tired stereotypes; men aren't all bastards, women can (and do) enjoy porn, and we don't all dream of being a size 10. [ Ed.: We assume they mean a British size 10, which would be, what, an American 6? Something like that.]
Scarlet's features are diverse, from the hilarious self-explanatory Worst Sex Tips Ever Written to cutting-edge articles like, A Hand-Job By Any Other Name... reporting on the new craze of yoni (vulva) massage as a form of 'alternative therapy'.
Our sex advice is more candid than you will find in any women's lifestyle magazine covering subjects from abstinence to strap-on sex for straight couples. Our fashion, beauty and celebrity gossip sections have more kick. And our roving reporter, celebrated author Emily Dubberley, isn't afraid to try anything on your behalf. In Getting Plastered she had her genitals cast and addressed the question: Is it art or just arse?
In Scarlet Reviews we feature bestsellers alongside erotica, and mainstream Hollywood blockbusters alongside women-friendly adult films, making the points that women are as visually aroused as men (a scientific fact) and that sexual content shouldn't be taboo.
In Cliterature - our steamy erotic fiction section - we delve deeply into men and women's sexual fantasies, while promoting a safer sex message with eroticised condom use. We also feature True Confessions, because nothing is hotter than real life, and we're proud to say that readers write in every month to thank us for reviving their libidos and bringing on the best orgasms of their life.
Yeah, we were thinking those girls might want to start publishing some erotic fiction soon.