This week was a banner week for excellence in commenting. In addition to the commenters listed below, we'd like to extend a special honorary group gold star to everyone who commented on that 'singlefiers' post, except Thomas Pynchon, who can go eat the four week old lite cottage cheese from a single lady's fridge.

Re: Naomi Watts Parturates At Last

  • Hortense:
    "Perhaps this is why Corey Haim is pointing his finger at all of us today. And also why Corey Feldman looks so contemplative."

Re: Posh Spice Loves Attention

  • Oovy:
    "How about, 'Like a moth to a spotlight, she was drawn to the spotlight, because she is a moth. Or like one.'"

Re: Car-Chasing Lindsay Busted With Pants Full of Cocaine

Re: Beyonce's Florida Faceplant Is Looking So Crazy Right Now

  • Ellagood:
    "finally gravity catches up with her. i mean she wears at least, what, 35 lbs. of water buffalo weave, right?"

Re: Claire Danes' Nipple Tops Mary Louise Parker's Rump

  • Lolcait:
    "I challenge them to an act off. Claire 'does crumple-face cry', Mary Louise does 'drink from a big gulp'. And Mary Louise will win, because she's fantastic. And Claire will show up to Pygmalion rehearsal with teeth missing and a black eye and all the Roundabout queens will hiss 'Oohhh, she's so method...'"

Re: Julia Allison Displays Her Range