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PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. (You have only yourselves to blame if they seem a little light or less than chockful of A-listers sometimes.) Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and share your amateur analysis of Tori Spelling's psychological state based on some observation while shopping.

In today's episode: Kiefer Sutherland and Shannon Tweed; Will Smith and Jada Pinkett; Cameron Diaz and Mary Lynn Rajskub; Britney Spears; Jeff Goldblum; Zachary Quinto; Paula Abdul; Dominic Monaghan; Jason Schwartzman; Josh Schwarz; Kirstie Alley, Paul Stanley, and Tori Spelling; Joey Lawrence; Andrew Dice Clay.

· Tuesday, July 24 - Saw Kiefer Sutherland around 10:30pm walking through Terminal 7 at LAX, looking way hot. The perfect end to a first trip to LaLa Land for my 24-obsessed boyfriend! On our flight from Maui to LA was Shannon Tweed sitting in first class with what appeared to be her kids. Serious case of platypus lips going on there—not a pretty sight.

· Last Thursday (7/26) saw Will Smith and Jada Pinkett at Sperling Nursery in Calabasas buying bird feeders. He's much taller and muscular in person. She looks like she'd stick you with a shiv in the shower when you weren't looking.

· Just moved to Los Angeles and now I know it's real when I can send in a defamer sighting! Both Cameron Diaz and Mary Lynn Rajskub, although not together, were at Matsuhisa's host stand when I was leaving tonight around 745. They both looked very beautiful and VERY thin....

· At my friend CC's birthday at One Sunset on Saturday night... On my way out to smoke a cigarette, I passed 3 average/homely looking girls coming in the front door. When I reached the outside deck, I was informed that one of the homely chicks was in fact Britney Spears in a black wig. She and her friends spent the evening in the back of the place - they didn't socialize with anyone else. Still, despite her lack of evident star power, she created a buzz throughout the club.

· Britney Spears herself at the trendy new OneSunset. Looked awful - surprisingly low key until she went absolutely apeshit over a lost camera or cell phone. Sped back off toward the Four Seasons where she's shacked up moments later.

· 7/28: Jeff Goldblum at Jinky's Cafe on Sunset at about 11am. Yellow t-shirt and grey runners shorts.

· Seen at Baja Fresh on Sunset & Vine: Zachary Quinto (Sylar and Baby Spock) ordering a burrito. In person he looks less like a genetically-mutated maniacal serial killer and more like the New Jersey frat boy that used to sell me pot in college.

· Just saw Paula Abdul in the A/X Store in Sunset Plaza. I actually didn't notice her on the sidewalk, my friend did, so we opted for a little light stalking after lunch and followed her into the store. She is about 5' tall, and looks pretty good in person. Casually dressed in sweats, giant sunlases, a pony tail, and the ubiquitous cell phone. She was shopping on the sale rack. She wasn't drunk or crying (that we could see).

· Saw Lost's Dominic Monaghan today (Friday, 7/27) having lunch at Mexicali in Studio City. Was nice to get a momentary eye-to-eye contact as he was seated in the booth adjacent to ours.

· Jason Schwartzman, with a very cute indie red head girlfriend, and a group of hipster friends at Milk on Beverly. He looked swarthier and smaller than one might expect. Although he was zero attitude, all fun and willing to sit on display at the big table in the middle of the small room eating ice cream on warm summer night.

· 7/27: Josh Schwarz...On the train back from comi-con. We're currently passing through orange county and he's got his head pressed firmly against the window.

· Because I have no life I spend too much time at the Westfield shopping mall on Riverside Dr in Sherman Oaks. Apparently it's evolved into some sort of pseudo celebrity Valley hangout because in the past few weeks I've made the following sightings:

- KISS guitarist Paul Stanley, sans make up, waiting for the elevator in jeans so tight they'd have to be surgically removed.

Kirstie Alley, and this is going to sound like a joke, but it's true — waiting in line in the food court at one of those places that sells the giant pretzels

Tori Spelling, looking hot but sad, in a little shop selling belts and purses. She looked younger in person than I'd have thought. But depressed. Very depressed.

· 7/29 - While noshing and shopping at the Commons in Calabasas on Sunday, I spotted Dancing with the Stars' Joey Lawrence (if you're reading this, please grow the hair back) and Drew Lachey with their wives pushing their little ones in strollers.

· 7/29: Fritelli's in BH we saw Andrew Dice Clay sitting outside looking sweaty and overheated, wearing mesh gloves and a headband left over from the 80s.