Ellen Barkin Will Tear You Up For Her Cash

To: Ron Perelman
From: Ellen Barkin
Re: In your ass
Listen bitch. I want what was promised me. I didn't grow up in the motherfucking Bronx to be taken for a ride by some bald asshole. I didn't kiss Barry Levinson's ass to wind up poor and old. I didn't suffer through the reviews of Siesta to put up with shit from you. Now give me my four million bucks or I'll come over there and nailgun your enormous, frightening ears to one of your stupid antique bureaus.
P.S. Yes I sold off the $15 mil in jewels and you know what I did with the proceeds? I changed it all into Susan B. Anthony dollars and threw them off my balcony one by one.
P.P.S. You can leave the check in Ralph Fiennes' girly-panties, I'll find them there. So cough it up or I'll fuck you the way I fucked Clooney—right in the rear.